Intellectual potential – a factor in the development system of the new economy

  • Ирина Николаевна Булгакова Voronezh State University
  • Татьяна Ивановна Овчинникова Voronezh state University of engineering technologies
  • Ольга Юрьевна Коломыцева Voronezh state University of engineering technologies
Keywords: System, the principles of the new economy, informatization, digitalization, outsourcing of staff, innovation, business processes, expertise, personnel


Purpose: the article is devoted to the significant role of intellectual potential in the system of the new economy. The article analyzes the approaches to the factors of the new economy, concludes that the efficiency of the enterprise, developing and implementing innovations based on intellectual potential, involves taking into account the approaches that mediate the new correlation of material and intangible factors. Discussion: the concept of «new economy» justified by the inclusion of such factors as personnel outsourcing, the development of digital and information functions is considered. The synthesis of standards and rules of corporate management (presented in this study as an assessment of information, digitalization and outsourcing) is based on the principles of increasing the level of automation of production systems, transfer to the electronic space of management of various business processes, the formation of qualitatively new models of management categories such as research and development work, demand, supply, document management and others. Results: the authors present the system of using the factors of the new economy. On the basis of intellectual potential for development of innovations not only at the level of knowledge, but also actions through the created through blocks the model of synthesis of the standard and rules of corporate governance of АО «Molvest» is given. The results of the study can be used as a theoretical basis for the creation of an intellectual potential management system based on information, outsourcing and digitalization at domestic enterprises performing research and development.


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How to Cite
Булгакова, И. Н., Овчинникова, Т. И., & Коломыцева, О. Ю. (2019). Intellectual potential – a factor in the development system of the new economy. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 95-107.