Marketing activities improving of the enterprise: theoretical aspects, scientific application solutions

  • Ирина Петровна Богомолова Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
  • Ирина Николаевна Василенко Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
  • Рамиль Ибрагимович оглы Ибрагимов Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies
Keywords: sales, sales activity and policy, logistics, organization and management, efficiency, modern methods and approaches


Purpose: the authors consider the improvement of the organization system and management of sales activities at the enterprise in the modern business environment, characterized by a high degree of risk, variability and instability. Discussion: the authors propose a more in-depth and detailed study of the sales policy implementation, to clarify its functionality, forms, methods and principles of organization, as well as to optimize the scheme «marketing-logistics», which will be more in line with the peculiarities and principles of modern business activity. Results: the authors conducted a conceptual and terminological analysis of the key category of the research field; identified the main elements, guidelines and characteristics of the public policy, as well as developed an adaptive model of its formation; performed a comparative analysis of the logistics concepts and marketing; set the range of tasks for the optimal combination of marketing and logistics tools; identified the basic options for the delivery of products to the consumer. The results obtained, the conclusions reached, as well as the achieved applied solutions prove the possibility of their application by management structures of various profiles and levels in the direction of improving the system of marketing activities for modern economic entities, the obtained results will be very useful for scientific personnel in terms of research in the field of management, marketing and logistics, as well as teaching staff in the process of training specialists in the organization of effective marketing activities at the enterprise and the process of commodity movement.


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How to Cite
Богомолова, И. П., Василенко, И. Н., & Ибрагимов, Р. И. о. (2019). Marketing activities improving of the enterprise: theoretical aspects, scientific application solutions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 37-49.