Development of the regional subsystem of energy efficiency monitoring on the base of comparative analysis of municipalities energy consumption (the case of the Volgograd region)

  • Людмила Юрьевна Богачкова Volgograd State University
  • Юлия Владимировна Зайцева Volgograd State University
  • Ирина Витальевна Усачева Volgograd State University
  • Елена Евгеньевна Зайцева Volgograd State University
Keywords: state policy of energy efficiency, regional economy, the forcefulness of energy efficiency policies in Russian regions, energy consumption in municipalities, energy efficiency monitoring at the subregional level


Purpose: the aim of the article is to develop the tools for monitoring of region energy efficiency on the base of improving the assessment of the rationality of energy consumption in municipalities and using subsequent comparative analysis of energy efficiency cross municipalities that are homogeneous in structure of the gross municipal products (GMP) and similar to each other in terms of economic development. Discussion: the authors propose three stages for the achievement of the goal. The first stage is the grouping of municipalities of a region according to the sectoral structure of their GMP-s and their levels of economic development using the cluster analysis method. The second stage is the selection of partial indicators of energy consumption, both currently used in practice and some additional ones, which the territorial bodies of state statistics produces. The third stage is the integral rating assessment of the energy consumption rationality for all municipalities according to an extended list of partial indicators over a number of years and a comparative analysis of the territories energy efficiency, taking into account their production specializations and levels of economic development. The application of the methodology of annual rating assessment over a number of years allows us to reveal the relative energy efficiency of each municipality. Results: the authors propose the grouping of the Volgograd region municipalities according to their production specialization and economic development. The article contains the integral rating assessment of their energy efficiency for 2012, 2015 and 2016. The authors present the most productive in the field of energy efficiency are industrial and commercial-financial municipalities (they are also the most economically developed). Agrarian-bioresource municipalities demonstrate average level of energy efficiency. The least level of energy efficiency show budget-dependent municipalities (they are also the least economically developed).


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How to Cite
Богачкова, Л. Ю., Зайцева, Ю. В., Усачева, И. В., & Зайцева, Е. Е. (2019). Development of the regional subsystem of energy efficiency monitoring on the base of comparative analysis of municipalities energy consumption (the case of the Volgograd region). Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 121-138.
Regional Economics