Development of strategy and strategic planning in the company

  • Гульнафиз Кенжебековна Бекбусинова University "Turan-Astana"
  • Ляззат Сагынгалиевна Абдыгалиева University "Turan-Astana"
  • Алмас Шайырбекович Атирбеков University "Turan-Astana"
Keywords: company strategy, strategic planning stages, competitive advantages, corporate culture, principles of strategy


Purpose : to discusse the stages of strategic planning, as well as the strategy to achieve competitive advantages in stagnating the construction market. Development of recommendations to improve the strategic planning system for the company and contribute to revenue growth. Discussion : The strategy determines the direction of the company’s movement and the resources necessary for this. Once the strategy is created, the question arises of its successful implementation in the enterprise. The following factors were suggested in an article to track this process. Results : the development strategy of any company, including a construction one, should be aimed at smoothing market fluctuations, focusing on aligning the stages of its development: recession, growth in business activity, stabilization and growth stage. The article proposes the principles of a successful strategy.


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How to Cite
Бекбусинова , Г. К., Абдыгалиева , Л. С., & Атирбеков , А. Ш. (2020). Development of strategy and strategic planning in the company. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 90-98.