The investment development of the region management: the project approach

  • Галина Викторовна Голикова Voronezh State University
  • Александр Викторович Проскурин Voronezh branch of RЕU G.V. Plekhanova
  • Светлана Сергеевна Саввина Voronezh branch of RЕU G.V. Plekhanova
Keywords: investment climate, investment environment, investment potential, project approach, the management mechanism of investment development in the region, the regional project office


Purpose : the authors consider the systematic study of investment development management in the region based on the application of the project approach, justification of investment development management mechanism in the region. Discussion : the authors consider and analyze the regional investment process taking into account the heterogeneity of Russian regions. Also the authors consider and analyze the systematization of factors affecting the regional investment environment. In addiction the authors consider and analyze the mechanism for managing investment development in the region. Results : the article substantiates the authors point of view on the system of managing the investment development of the regional economy and factors affecting the regional investment environment. Also the authors carried out the analysis of basic approaches to managing the investment development of the region. The authors proposed a mechanism for managing the investment development of the region based on the project approach. In addiction, the authors investigated the key functions of the project office and its role in project management at the regional level.


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How to Cite
Голикова , Г. В., Проскурин, А. В., & Саввина , С. С. (2020). The investment development of the region management: the project approach. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 162-169.
Regional Economics