Meaningful analysis of definitions and modern approaches to employee retention in the organization

  • Валерия Евгеньевна Попова Voronezh State University
Keywords: retention of employees in the organization, staff motivation, reasons for leaving the organization, highly qualified employees, material and non-material motivation


Purpose : article is devoted to the management of employee retention in the organization, taking into account the relevance of this problem at the present time. Discussion : the negative consequences of the phenomenon of staff turnover are covered in the scientific literature on the economic profile from different angles, while the theoretical and empirical basis that precedes the departure of employees from the organization has not been sufficiently developed. Staff turnover and the problems arising from it for the organization cannot be considered in isolation from measures that contribute either to the departure of employees or to the preservation of the stability of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the organization. There are two main points of view on the problem of retention. One of them is the extremely negative consequences of an employee leaving the organization — researchers list the amount of damage the organization suffers as a result of this (financial, temporary, human, intellectual losses, deterioration of the psychological climate in the team) —that is written by T.U. Bazarov and B.L. Eremin (2002), Kitaevskaya O.N. and Kartushina E.N. (2014), D. G. Kucherov and E. K. Zavyalova (2012), foreign researchers J. Hale (1998), Sunil Ramlall (2003), Leen Sawalha (2019), authors of the recruitment agency blog Robert Half (2020). Another point of view is that the widespread application of retention measures to all employees can harm the organization’s productive activities. In particular, this point of view is mainly held by recruiters, company executives, based on practical experience in the functioning of organizations. The authors write that the lack of renewal of the team for many years can lead to its «ossification» (that is, the formation of stagnation processes, impossibility of development, etc.); retention of certain categories of employees is impractical – for example, toxic employees, «star employees”, young employees at an early stage of their career (the reason is that the search for «one's own» place is a natural process at this stage of a career), etc. Among such works, we can distinguish materials from U.Zabazarny (2018), E. Vitchak (2018), D. Pantyukh (2018), Corine Buers, Kasia Karpinska, Joop Schippers (2018), Henry R. Young, David R. Glerum, Wei Wang, Dana L. Joseph (2018). The role and importance of employee retention for the development of the organization is recognized in the works of both Russian and foreign authors, but there are differences in the interpretation of the reasons that encourage employees to leave the organization. In particular, the lack of trusting relationships with the leader and the non-use of the organization’s advantages in the formation of its brand (internal marketing) are especially emphasized by foreign researchers. Also, in their opinion, the most productive is a strategy in which the main attention should be paid to the selection and hiring process for the prevention of care and the need for retention. Whereas the work of Russian authors is mainly focused on the decision-making stage by the employee about leaving – what steps to take to increase his loyalty and motivation for further work in the state. Results : the article offers a comparative analysis of the retention problem in Russian and foreign literature, namely: the relevance of the development of the retention issue, the interpretation of the term «retention of employees», the reasons for employees to leave the organization. The idea of retention of employees as a complex phenomenon that needs to be considered both by the employer and by employees is systematized. Formed ways to retain employees in accordance with the possible reasons for leaving.


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How to Cite
Попова , В. Е. (2020). Meaningful analysis of definitions and modern approaches to employee retention in the organization. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 73-84.
Labour Economics