Phenomenon of ownership in the theory and practice of the development of economic systems

  • Петр Васильевич Бурковский Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
Keywords: property, social and historical formation, appropriation and alienation


Purpose: article is devoted to theoretic and practical review of basic conceptual provisions on place and role of property relations in the formation of economic systems, their transformation under the influence of transition processes from one type of socio-historical formation to another. Discussion: сurrent digitization of various aspects of public life, mediated by mobile commerce and non-cash payment technologies, poses new challenges in the need to reflect and reorient existing ownership relationships to means of production, when the boundaries between seller and recipient of economic good are often blurred. New model of building a social formation, based on digitization of distribution and exchange relations, is seen by author as a decentralized system of appropriation and alienation of economic goods, when each owner is provided with highest degree of liquidity of his property. Results: аuthor organized various theoretical views on problems of transformational transformation of property relations and proposed an institutional approach, implying priority of owner's personal commercial interest over public nature of appropriation of property, which is consistent with decentralization of economic systems under influence of digitalization various aspects of public life.


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How to Cite
Бурковский , П. В. (2020). Phenomenon of ownership in the theory and practice of the development of economic systems. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 112-123.
Economic systems