Possibilities of development of innovative economies in the region in business assessments and authorities

  • Игорь Ефимович Рисин Voronezh State University
  • Дмитрий Юрьевич Трещевский Voronezh State University
  • Павел Дмитриевич Никульников Voronezh State University
Keywords: innovation economy, business, authorities, region


Purpose: determination of composition, influence force and probability of realization of opportunities for development of innovative economy in Russian regions on the basis of expert estimates. Discussion: expert assessments have been adopted as a basis for achieving the goal. Experts represent two institutional groups: authorities and business. The results of the questionnaire were processed by fuzzy sets. The assessment is carried out separately on the strength of influence, probability of realization of opportunities and on a generalizing indicator reflecting both mentioned parameters and the degree of coherence of opinions of experts. The opportunities are combined into four groups: implementation of state programs; рromotion and implementation of the results of the NTP; formation of innovative infrastructure; сooperation with foreign companies. Results: оn the basis of the obtained values of generalizing indicators, it was established that the impact of State programmes was most highly appreciated. Its assessment of «business» is particularly high. The possibilities of stimulating and implementing the results of the NTP, according to the «business» are also quite high, the authorities are more pessimistic about this group. Opportunities to develop innovative infrastructure are assessed as average «business», low and insignificant – by representatives of authorities. Opportunities of cooperation with foreign companies for development of innovative economy are assessed by «business» as medium, and non-essential – by representatives of authorities. By all estimates, the experts showed high or sufficient coherence.


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How to Cite
Рисин , И. Е., Трещевский , Д. Ю., & Никульников , П. Д. (2020). Possibilities of development of innovative economies in the region in business assessments and authorities. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 159-173. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2020.5/2371
Regional Economics