Business climate of industrial systems: a systematic approach to evaluation

  • Николай Иванович Стрих Surgut State University
  • Александр Александрович Гардт Surgut State University
Keywords: business climate, industrial system, social and economic system, system approach


Purpose: the article aims to develop a systematic approach to the assessment of the business climate of industrial systems of macro-, meso-, micro – and nano – levels. Discussion: the scientific literature presents a wide range of assessments of the state, conditions and factors of the business climate of socio-economic systems of different levels and functional content. At present, however, research does not ensure the systematization of research – the content of the basic categories «climate», «environment», «conditions», «factors» stay unclear. The authors present the composition of the factors in a fragmented manner, which is largely due to the lack of working out approaches to their classification. Results: the article proposes a systematic approach to the assessment of the business climate based on its definition as a medium-type system, fundamentally not limited in time and space and performing a set of functions special for subsystems of five levels: global, macro-, meso-, micro – and nano. Business climate factors of industrial systems are presented in the form of hierarchical grouping by characteristics: relation to productive forces or production relations; Level of industrial system: global, macro-, meso-, micro-, nano. The enlarged subgroups of factors within each group, including the socio-economic factors: market-based; The quality and accessibility of the labour force; Control of the system of the appropriate level; intrasystem interaction; intersystem interaction; formal institutes; informal institutes.


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How to Cite
Стрих , Н. И., & Гардт , А. А. (2020). Business climate of industrial systems: a systematic approach to evaluation. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 174-186.
Regional Economics