About some results of implementation of antimonopoly compliance in the region and directions of improvement of work on competition development

  • Андрей Владимирович Логошин Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Voronezh Region
  • Владимир Владимирович Шамрай Voronezh State Technical University
Keywords: antitrust compliance of the region, standard for the development of competition, principles for the formation of a digital base of antitrust compliance, training and organization of work of compliance controllers


Purpose: to determine and analyze the results of the implementation of antitrust compliance and their further use to improve the work on the development of competition in the region. Discussion: the results of the implementation of antitrust compliance are characterized by disclosing the results of the work of structural units of state and municipal government bodies, systematizing regulatory legal documents and analyzing the process of implementing development standards in the region. Results: a serious direction requiring fully effective compliance control is the implementation of targeted support for enterprises that provide competitive advantages to regions. Based on the analysis of the results of the development of antitrust compliance, conclusions and recommendations are formulated that can be used to solve specific problems related to improving the implementation of the standard for the development of competition, increasing the effectiveness of compliance control in the regions.


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How to Cite
Логошин, А. В., & Шамрай , В. В. (2020). About some results of implementation of antimonopoly compliance in the region and directions of improvement of work on competition development. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 6, 137-148. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2020.6/2389
Regional Economics