Digital modernization as a tool for improving industrial policy of the Voronezh region

  • Елена Витальевна Мишон Voronezh State University
  • Артем Александрович Лубенцов Voronezh State University
Keywords: regional industrial policy, industrial clusters, industrial parks, digital modernization of industry, startup, information and methodological support


Purpose: the aim of the study is to identify opportunities and prospects for the development of modern regional industrial policy through the use of new tools, including the use of such a tool as digital modernization. The subject of the study is the organizational and economic relations arising between the subjects of the implementation of industrial policy in the process of digital modernization. Discussion: on the importance and feasibility of using industrial policy, the opinion of researchers is quite unequivocal: it is a promising tool of public administration. It should be noted that traditional instruments for the formulation and implementation of industrial policies are considered quite broadly and comprehensively, which cannot be said of such a relatively little studied tool as digital modernization of industry. Despite the fact that the current situation has developed for objective reasons (the term «digitalization» itself and the corresponding processes have come into the sphere of interests of economists relatively recently), it requires accelerated consideration, theoretical research, in-depth analysis for subsequent practical application. Results: the study, based on a systematic approach using analytical, logical, statistical methods, the method of analysis and synthesis, as well as comparative analysis, is the rationale for turning to digital modernization in the development and use of regional industrial policies.


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How to Cite
Мишон, Е. В., & Лубенцов, А. А. (2020). Digital modernization as a tool for improving industrial policy of the Voronezh region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 171-179.
Regional Economics