The development of electronic commerce in autoritele

  • Artem O. Merenkov State University of Management
Keywords: pandemic, auto business, retail, e-commerce, competition, customer


Purpose: the article is devoted to the study of the prospects for the development of electronic means of selling automotive equipment and the features of the use of specific customer service technologies. Discussion: the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly accelerated the digitalization processes in various sectors of the economy. The automotive industry is no exception. The third quarter of 2020 was characterized by the closure of enterprises, a decrease in sales, as a result of the lack of offline contact of enterprises with consumers. Russian car dealers were forced to rapidly restructure their business processes, to master the technologies of customer service in the digital environment. The result was a gradual transition to online sales, which formulates new challenges and poses threats to the economy of the traditional dealer. Results: аs a result of the research, the author identified the main options for organizing information platforms in the authoretail, clarified the algorithm of interaction with the client in the auto business, identified digital contact points, and built the consumer's route in the Internet space.


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How to Cite
Merenkov, A. O. (2021). The development of electronic commerce in autoritele. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 115-123.