Strategies for implementing anti-crisis management in KFH in the context of the consequences of the pandemic

  • Elena I. Kostyukova Stavropol state agrarian University
  • Alexander V. Frolov Stavropol state agrarian University
Keywords: pandemic, development strategies, KFH, crisis management, uncer-tainty, digitalization


Purpose: to substantiate the application of the developed model for the use of the strategic cross and to implement a strategy for the development of peasant-farm ac-tivities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussion: the activity of peasant (farm) farms is one of the important segments of the development of the agro-industrial sector, but it is it that is most affected by envi-ronmental factors under the influence of unstable economic situations of the current time and is vulnerable to unpredictable events in the economy, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, for stable functioning in the current conditions, enterprises must meet the requirements of flexibility, adaptability to changes in the external and in- ternal environment, the ability to permanently improve the structure of their products, as well as the transformation of their own organizational structure. The activity of peasant (farm) farms (KFH) is one of the important segments of the development of the agro-industrial sector, but it is it that is most strongly affected by environmental factors under the influence of unstable economic situations of the current time and is vulnerable to unpredictable events in the economy, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Crises are char-acteristic of all stages of the development of organizations and can be activated in com-plex and uncertain situations. The number of discontinued farms confirms the lack of adequate crisis management strategies, because, as a rule, small businesses are highly dependent on their customers, suppliers, employees in a single value chain – therefore, in the conditions of temporary suspension of business processes, including failures in logistics, representatives of farms face significant local crises. All this requires more and more rapid and high-quality information for management in order to make effective and timely management decisions. In the market conditions of management, there have been changes in the composition and information requests of information users, and the requirements for the accounting and analytical support system for enterprise manage-ment have increased. Results: the article develops a strategic approach to the possible presentation of the pandemic crisis and suggests the implementation of a strategy for the development of agricultural enterprises during the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite
Kostyukova, E. I., & Frolov, A. V. (2021). Strategies for implementing anti-crisis management in KFH in the context of the consequences of the pandemic. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 20-31.