Institutional support of socially-oriented tourism sector

  • Petr P. Chuvatkin Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Anna U. Bodzhgua Federal Research Centre the Subtropical Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: tourism, socially-oriented tourism sector, recreational and tourist service, institutions, institutional factors, institutional support


Purpose: the implementation of socially significant socio-economic goals marked in the national projects of Russia, as well as ensuring the sustainable socio-economic development of regions of recreational and tourist specialization, including the development of human potential, determine the feasibility and significance of the accumulation of state, entrepreneurs and public organizations aimed at using the formation sustainable institutional support of the socially oriented tourism sector. Discussion: based on the study of domestic and foreign experiences of the functioning of existing models of social tourism, the institutional framework for the formation and development of the social and oriented tourism sector, which takes into account the interests of not only consumers, but also manufacturers of socially oriented tourist services. The identification of key factors, states and trends in the development of the institutional environment of a socially-oriented tourism sector. Results: оrganizational and economic measures have been proposed to improve the institutional support of the socio-oriented sector of tourism.


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How to Cite
Chuvatkin, P. P., & Bodzhgua, A. U. (2021). Institutional support of socially-oriented tourism sector. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 52-62.
Public Economics