Statistical analysis of indicators of the Russian labor market in conditions of instability
Purpose: the article aims to identify the severity and scale of the problems of the functioning of the labor market of the Russian Federation on the basis of the results of statistical analysis of its indicators. Discussion: the article highlighted the modern features of the labor market of the Russian Federation, which are manifested in the conditions of uncertainty and instability in the socio-economic sphere, which is the result of the transition of all spheres of society to the digital method of data collection, processing and transmission, as well as the result of the large-scale use of information and communication technologies. Results: the authors carried out a statistical analysis of the labor market indicators of the Russian Federation, which revealed a decrease in the participation of the population in the formation of the labor force, as well as the level of employment and unemployment; an increase in the indicator «the share of employees in the informal sector in the total number of employees»; a significant negative impact on the labor market of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the relative stability of the structure of employment by type of economic activity, statistical analysis revealed an increase in labor productivity for a number of major economic activities, especially in the construction sector, while this indicator slowed down for others. Among the identified negative trends is the high differentiation of the population by income level. At the same time, labor safety indicators in the Russian Federation have a steady tendency to improve. It is concluded that the disproportions in the modern labor market in Russia are caused by two main reasons: 1) the impact of force majeure – the COVID-19 pandemic; 2) an increase in demand for specialists with developed digital competencies, as well as the emergence of new professions that require digital competencies. The authors reasoned the position according to which further research of the domestic labor market is expedient to carry out in the direction of a combination of statistical and sociological methods of analysis.

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