Modernization of organizational culture: conceptual and methodological framework

  • Oleg A. Rodin Voronezh State University
Keywords: organizational culture, management, management system, modernization, road map, pandemia, personnel unconsciousness


Purpose: the article aims to illuminate the pressing issues of ongoing systematic reshaping and modernizing organizational culture by means of coherent elaborating its keystone constituents. The author justified, integrated and applied the project roadmapping technique. Discussion: recently, there was a noticeable global and local interest in the topic of corporate culture and its meaningful transformation. Both the theoretical and the applied endeavors here are still rather scattered and controversy. In this connection, the author comes up with his own conceptual and methodological treatment of a deep-rooted cultural phenomenon, revealing a wide-ranging heterogeneous framework for its continuous organizational development. The generic modernization model proposed emphasizes the succession of ‘reculturing’ processes throughout the symbolic and material markers, followed by the behavior, consciousness and even unconsciousness of the company’s human resources. The author clarifies his standpoint that fostering positive corporate culture should be historically embedded and gradual, with careful envisioning and ‘mapmaking’. Results: the author drew on the topic of ‘reculturing’ modern Russian enterprises, the methodological framework and a dynamic system model for ‘crystallizing’ the above transformation processes in a context of digital and post-COVID economy.


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How to Cite
Rodin, O. A. (2021). Modernization of organizational culture: conceptual and methodological framework. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 104-117.