Russian insurance market under the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic

  • Lyudmila A. Kozub Voronezh State University
Keywords: insurance, insurance market, insurers, insurance services, Covid-19 pandemic, restrictive measures


Purpose: analysis of the current state and the prospects of the Russian insurance market under the unfavorable Covid-19 pandemic conditions. Discussion: analysis of the state and dynamics of the Russian insurance market, identification of the features of its development in the context of a pandemic. Being an integral part of the financial market, the insurance market has a great impact on the socio-economic state and development of the national economy. In unfavorable epidemiological conditions the insurance services market began to adapt, subjecting its structure to significant transformations. Results: based on the identification of general trends in the Russian insurance market in the new conditions, this paper identified the factors that made it possible to restrain the negative scenario of the development of the country’s insurance market. By fixing the expected drivers of growth in the insurance market, the author draws conclusions about the development of the Russian insurance market in the context of a pandemic.


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How to Cite
Kozub, L. A. (2021). Russian insurance market under the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 57-64.
Financial Economics