Analysis of the development of the green finance system in Russia: problems and prospects

  • Nikita K. Osadchiy Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Keywords: sustainable development, ESG-factors, green economy, green bonds, green finance, responsible investment


Purpose: the article is devoted to the analysis of the system for the development of green finance, responsible investment projects and the assessment of the current level of their development. Discussion: nowdays, the structure of the Russian economy, where the share of carbon-intensive and mixed industries is about 40%, does not allow meeting strict standards of sustainable development. Recently, given the limited access of Russian companies to capital markets, especially foreign ones, there is a problem of lack of funds to invest in current and promising projects. In this regard, companies are looking for opportunities to attract alternative sources of funding. Thus, today there is an acute issue of the possibility of introducing transitional financing standards, in particular «green», in order to obtain the necessary capital inflow to Russian companies. Results: the author carried out a comparative analysis of existing methods that determine the goals, directions and criteria for assessing sustainable financing instruments, considered the main trends in the development of the «green» financing industry for investment projects, as well as the problems of the regulatory framework and practical experience in the implementation of "green" projects in Russia.


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How to Cite
Osadchiy, N. K. (2021). Analysis of the development of the green finance system in Russia: problems and prospects. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 65-79.
Financial Economics