Modern digital technology solutions for subjects of the agricultural market

  • Larisa O. Velikanova Kuban State Agrarian University
  • Alexey G. Murlin Kuban State Agrarian University
  • Anastasia R. Melnik Kuban State Agrarian University
Keywords: agriculture, information systems and technologies, agro-food market, computer and mathematical modeling, technological solutions


Purpose: the article investigates scientific ideas about the economic role of digital technologies in the sustainable development of agriculture and the agro-food market. Discussion: the features of the development of agriculture and the agro-industrial market under the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) which suggest a new approach to production based on the mass introduction of information of technology in industry, large-scale automation of business processes and the spread of artificial intelligence to all areas of activity. The normative frameworks established by the National Program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation", programs and projects on digitalization of agriculture are investigated. The definition of "digitalization of the agro-food market" is given. Industry digital technologies are systematized. Results: the practice of applying digital technologies in agro-food systems and the world experience of complex digitalization of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) in general and the agro-food market in particular have been studied.


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How to Cite
Velikanova, L. O., Murlin, A. G., & Melnik, A. R. (2021). Modern digital technology solutions for subjects of the agricultural market. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 173-184.
Agricultural Economics