The essence, composition and use of the innovative potential of the organization

  • Larisa A. Shishkina Voronezh State Agricultural University N.A. Emperor Peter the Great
  • Ol’ga S. Voishcheva Voronezh State University
Keywords: innovation, development, innovation potential, competitiveness, innovation process, efficiency


Purpose: the task of studying and building innovative potential is becoming a strategic priority for modern organizations, relevant and significant for the transition to the innovative path of economic development as a whole. This article examines the content of the concept of innovative potential in relation to various subjects of the innovation process, but the most detailed is the innovative potential of organizations. Discussion: five subsystems that make up the innovation potential are identified, as well as possible assessments of its level and their features are given. Results: when considering the sufficiency of the existing level of innovation potential and the specifics of its constituent blocks, the roles of the organization in the innovation process are taken into account, and it is concluded that all five blocks are necessary for the implementation of each of the roles, but at the same time a different set and qualitative characteristics of the elements within them. The authors also point to a close relationship between the level of involvement of a business entity in innovative processes and its competitive position in the market or market segment.


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How to Cite
Shishkina, L. A., & Voishcheva, O. S. (2021). The essence, composition and use of the innovative potential of the organization. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 11, 97-106.