Dynamic model of enterprise development trajectory management

  • Lev A. Shchepin Voronezh State University
  • Viktoria A. Gushchina Voronezh State University
Keywords: enterprise development trajectory, production function, sustainable development, labor productivity, indicators of intensive development


Purpose: to develop a mathematical model that allows you to determine the requirements for labor productivity and its growth rates for the formation of a certain trajectory of enterprise development. Discussion: in this article, the neoclassical Cobb-Douglas production function was used to construct the company’s development trajectories. It is proposed to take into account in the production function another factor of intensive development – the ability of the enterprise to change labor productivity. Software has been developed for conducting simulation experiments, visual analysis of development trajectories and their parameters, as well as finding the required values of intensive factors for the formation of certain development trajectories. Results: the developed algorithm and the created software product showed the possibility of using this approach for conducting simulation experiments and analyzing various trajectories of development of real enterprises, as well as developing recommendations for managing the trajectory of enterprise development.


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How to Cite
Shchepin, L. A., & Gushchina, V. A. (2022). Dynamic model of enterprise development trajectory management. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 36-45. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2021.12/2729
Mathematical Methods in Economics