Development of the food supply system in the context of the formation of information systems in the agro-industrial complex

  • Vitaly I. Kharitonov Research Institute of Humanities under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia
Keywords: informatization, agriculture, management, food supply


Purpose: the article examines the problem of eliminating the inappropriate level of development of information technologies and their use in solving urgent problems of informatization of the food supply system. The author considers the issue of informatization of the agro-industrial complex through the formation of a promising digital platform. The article analyzes the main information systems of the agro-industrial complex in the aspect of managing the food supply system, offers recommendations for eliminating existing imbalances in the use of information technologies in the agro- industrial sector, justifies the need to create a digital platform that will contribute to the digitalization of the industry. Discussion: based on the data obtained, the author concludes that it is necessary to form an information mechanism for the food supply system in the aspect of digitalization of the industry. The need for further development of information systems for food security management within the framework of the formation of a digital platform was noted, which is also noted in the publications of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Results: the article contains the conclusion about the need for a comprehensive and phased digitalization of the industry and the introduction of the methodology of integrated information support into the practice of the regional food supply development management. The creation of a digital environment will increase the potential of the agro-industrial complex of the region, which in turn will ensure an increase in the economic efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural producers.


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How to Cite
Kharitonov, V. I. (2022). Development of the food supply system in the context of the formation of information systems in the agro-industrial complex. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 177-190.
Agricultural Economics