Development of a software package for decision support for estimating energy efficiency of municipalities

  • Lyudmila Yu. Bogachkova Volgograd State University
  • Anton V. Sorokin Volgograd State University
Keywords: energy efficiency of territories, ranking estimates, energy consumption, subregional economy, environmental protection


Purpose: development of a regional subsystem for monitoring energy efficiency of regions based on the elaboration and automation of the methods for integrated ranking estimation of municipalities in terms of rationality of energy consumption, waste management and environmental protection. The study draws on the case of the Volgograd region. Discussion: in October 2021, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the Strategy of socio-economic development of Russia with a low level of greenhouse gas emissions until 2050. This made urgent the problem of developing a system of accounting and analysis of the efficiency of energy supply, energy consumption and environmental protection of territories to ensure an increase in their energy efficiency. At the regional and subregional levels, there is a demand for new tools that would allow for the formation of an integrated ranking estimation of energy efficiency based on the available official data. Results: а software package that allows for the automation of ranking estimation and analysis of municipalities’ energy efficiency has been developed and tested. It is based on sixteen indicators characterizing energy consumption, technical condition of power supply networks, waste management and environmental protection. An approach to the restoration of missing values of indicators based on scenario modeling has been proposed. A comparative analysis of the energy efficiency of the municipalities of the Volgograd region over the period of 2012-2019 has been carried out.


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How to Cite
Bogachkova, L. Y., & Sorokin, A. V. (2022). Development of a software package for decision support for estimating energy efficiency of municipalities. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 191-199.
Regional Economics