Discussion issues about the essence of the «scientific grants» category in domestic economic science

  • Dmitry A. Endovitskij Voronezh State University
  • Ekaterina Yu. Bubnova Voronezh State University
Keywords: scientific grants, grant activities, key features of grants, grantees, grantors


Purpose: definition of the essence of the concept of “scientific grants” in modern domestic economic science. Discussion: for three decades, the concept of grant activities in science has been built, which is discussed at various levels. Discussion issues are the terminology of grants, the scope, the mechanism of grant activities. The authors believe that the main methodological error of all statements is the lack of a unified approach to the category “grants”, the substitution of the sought category with synonyms of budget subsidies, budget allocations, targeted funding and others, lack of functionality and clear criteria in identifying the concept. Results: the study made it possible to critically assess the existing conceptual framework for grants and formulate the definition of “s.


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How to Cite
Endovitskij , D. A., & Bubnova, E. Y. (2022). Discussion issues about the essence of the «scientific grants» category in domestic economic science. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 49-57. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2022.1/2754