Methods and forecasting basic placement options and the development of crop production in the region

  • Владимир Федорович Печеневский Research and Development Institute of Economy and Organization of Agroindustrial Complex of the Central-Chernozyom Region of Russian Federation
  • Георгий Васильевич Закшевский Research Institute of Economy and Organization of Agro-industrial Complex of the Central Chernozem Region of the Russian Federation
Keywords: crop production, production location, long-term forecasting, correlation and regression analysis, trend type forecasting, simulation modeling


Purpose: predicting the location and development of crop products industry. Discussion: the development of techniques used methods of correlation and regression analysis, trend and simulation and scenario analysis. The use of simulation scenario forecasting allows for a higher probability of developing effective solutions as part of the strategy of development of agriculture and its separate branches. To solve the problem of distribution of agricultural production in developing a system of effective forecasting and planning should be based on the integrated use of both mathematical and expert methods. Results: we developed a method for predicting the location and development of crop production. The authors performed forecast of basic location and corn production development confirm an applicability of developed technique.


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Author Biographies

Владимир Федорович Печеневский, Research and Development Institute of Economy and Organization of Agroindustrial Complex of the Central-Chernozyom Region of Russian Federation

Отдел мониторинга аграрной реформы и прогноза развития АПК, заведующий отделом

Георгий Васильевич Закшевский, Research Institute of Economy and Organization of Agro-industrial Complex of the Central Chernozem Region of the Russian Federation

Отдел мониторинга аграрной реформы и прогноза развития АПК, младший научный сотрудник

How to Cite
Печеневский, В. Ф., & Закшевский, Г. В. (2016). Methods and forecasting basic placement options and the development of crop production in the region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 8, 92-103.
Regional Economics