Methodological approaches to development of the models of demographic forecast for the rural area

  • Д. Б. Праслов Voronezh Institute Innovation Systems
  • В. В. Ухоботов Penza State Agricultural Academy
Keywords: demographic forecasting, regression model, social factors, fertility, mortality, migration


In this work, we complement the methodology of population forecast, based on the method of advancing by age, regression models that take into account the influence of social factors on the demographic situation, that allowes more accurately take into account in predicting the factors affecting fertility, mortality and migration. It suggests that the combined approach in the methodology of forecasting the demographic situation.


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How to Cite
Праслов, Д. Б., & Ухоботов, В. В. (2015). Methodological approaches to development of the models of demographic forecast for the rural area. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 4, 150-161. Retrieved from