Analysis of Social and Labor Relations in the Crisis and Post-Crisis Period

  • Александр Петрович Егоршин
  • Виктория Викторовна Груздева
  • Наталья Евгеньевна Серебровская
Keywords: labor relations, economic crisis, anti-recessionary measures


The article presents the results of several sociological researches, which deal with identification of the most actual anti-recessionary measures undertaken business in Russia. It shows the main tendencies of anti-recessionary measures related to the transition from the main phase of the crisis in 2008-2009 to the post-crisis period of 2011-2012. The factors relating to employment relationships in the organization are revealed from general set of anti-recessionary measures.


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How to Cite
Егоршин, А. П., Груздева, В. В., & Серебровская, Н. Е. (2015). Analysis of Social and Labor Relations in the Crisis and Post-Crisis Period. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 47-53. Retrieved from