Financing of protected areas and application of the elements (mechanisms) of business planning
Purpose: the article aims to identify the specifics of financial support for the activities of specially protected natural areas in the system of sustainable economic development; to highlight the main mechanisms for financial support of protected areas. Discussion: the article deals with the organization of financing of specially protected natural areas in the context of instruments used in various countries to ensure the effective operation of protected areas. Unfortunately, many protected areas receive inadequate funding to organize conservation work and promote sustainable development at a decent level. The main effect of financing activities, as well as the development of protected areas is the creation of new sources of income for the population in the region. In addition, protected areas with their infrastructure (for example, information centers, special recreation areas, campsites), hiking trails make an important contribution to environmental education and raising public awareness of environmental issues. Results: the main instruments for financing natural protected areas are: state budget funds, non-tax payments, namely fines for non-compliance with environmental laws; the funds of charitable and directional organizations take a special place.