On concepts of sustainable development of environmental and economic systems: critical analysis

  • Юрий Игоревич Трещевский Voronezh State University
  • Виталий Александрович Новиков The Voronezh state timber university of G.F. Morozov
Keywords: ecological-economic system, sustainable development, management concept


Purpose: the aim is to explore approaches to understanding sustainable development of ecological-economic systems to justify the directions of interaction between societies and natural systems. Discussion: modern ideas about the sustainable development of socio-economic different levels are based mainly on the concept of «sustainability», applied in connection with fears about the limited possibilities of natural reproduction of natural complexes under the increasing influence on them by the technosphere. Results: it has been established that at present there is not enough agreement between representatives of scientific schools and directions of understanding of sustainability of development of ecological-economic systems. The lack of such understanding leads to the opposite views on the prospects for the development of the human community in the face of increasing natural constraints.


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How to Cite
Трещевский, Ю. И., & Новиков , В. А. (2020). On concepts of sustainable development of environmental and economic systems: critical analysis. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 118-133. https://doi.org/10.17308/meps.2020.2/2313
Economic systems