Staff development: evolution of views on competence. From characteristics to statistical analysis

  • Ирина Борисовна Дуракова Voronezh State University
Keywords: personnel development, competencies, passive role of workers in development, proactive role of workers in development, the role of the employer in employee development, personnel development risks


Purpose: the article deals with the issues of employee development trans­formation, the portrait of competencies, the chances and risks of development, correlation of the results depending on the passive or proactive role of the employee and organization, the role of statistical groups for the problem study. Discussion: the employees’ development remains one of the most pressing business issues: the competency-based approach which was long time ago adapted in foreign organizations allows to reduce the labor input in the complex process of decision-making and, in the face of a high knowledge level and skills of personnel, move from directive and coaching leadership styles to supportive and delegating. This leads to the possibility of a more detailed approach to the analysis of competitors, system partners and the planning of strategic tasks of the organization. The base of fundamental and applied research in the field of employee development is currently in the process of constant formation and change due to factors of a transforming economy, requirements of employers and values of employees. In accordance with this, the development of domestic approaches to the problem cognition and its history, as well as the choice of an economically and socially justified algorithm for improving the employees of Russian economic entities is slowing to a certain extent. Results: the article systematizes the idea of the movement of scientific interdisciplinary approaches about the employee development, substantiates the continuity of ideas about improving employees by comparing the current competency framework used in Germany with the vision of scholars of previous ages on this issue, characterizes the role of the employer with the passive and proactive role of workers in development; the author systematized the chances and risks of personnel development. The article contains the following methods of statistical analysis: observation, grouping, classification.


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How to Cite
Дуракова, И. Б. (2020). Staff development: evolution of views on competence. From characteristics to statistical analysis. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 142-153.
Labour Economics