Complex assessment of the organizational structures of the agro-industrial corporation and development of recommendations on the choice of an alternative option

  • Александр Евгеньевич Вострокнутов Kuban state agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
Keywords: complex assessment, organizational structures, information field theory, queuing theory, functional and cost analysis, selection


Purpose: to conduct a comprehensive assessment of alternative or­ga­ nizational structures of the agro-industrial Corporation and develop re­com­ mendations for choosing one of them as the main or basic. Discussion: When conducting a comprehensive assessment, it is proposed to use adapted models of the theory of the information field, Queuing, the method of functional and cost analysis, allowing them to be applied to a new concept of representation of the organizational structure, as the links of which are not only departments, services and departments, but also processes, functions, subfunctions and operations. The development of recommendations for the choice of an alternative option was based on the life cycle model of the organization (I. Adizes). Results: Complex assessment of alternative organizational structures of the management organization of the agro-industrial Corporation JSC «Southern diversified Corporation» was carried out, reflecting diverse criteria related to the centralization/decentralization of management, the speed of business processes (workload) and their cost. The developed recommendations on the interpretation of the results of the integrated assessment take into account the factors that affect the launch of the development processes of the organization for each stage of the life cycle. This allowed us to choose an alternative version of the organizational structure that best meets the requirements of the development of the Corporation.


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How to Cite
Вострокнутов, А. Е. (2020). Complex assessment of the organizational structures of the agro-industrial corporation and development of recommendations on the choice of an alternative option. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 179-188.