Implementation of personnel controlling in processing organizations based on reengineering

  • Елена Валерьевна Ендовицкая Voronezh State University
Keywords: processing organizations, personnel controlling, process approach, reengineering, organizational structure of business processes


Purpose: to overcome the contradictions in the perception of the technology of controlling personnel regarding the theory and practice of its implementation in processing organizations. Moreover, personnel controlling technology is considered as a system of methods and tools that radically changes management processes in organizations based on the realization of the creative potential of managers. Discussion: the possibility of two approaches to the implementation of personnel controlling technology in the structure of a processing organization is proved – reorientation of management processes in the existing personnel management or the creation of a special controlling subsystem. Taking into account the opinions of specialists regarding the development of personnel controlling as an existing structure, a choice has been made in favor of activating process modes in the direction of«bottom to top» while changing the structure of processes in the direction of«top to bottom» and, most importantly, the adoption of new rules for the relationship«employee-employee». Results: the feasibility of using reengineering processes for the implementation of such a project is substantiated. Distinctive advantageous features of the fundamental form of personnel controlling reengineering is a simultaneous increase in the level of creative staff competencies and simplification of the conditions for fulfilling managerial tasks, which make it possible to optimize the management structure itself. Personnel controlling is built on the basis of the process model of reengineering will contribute to the activation of transformations in business processes necessary for the competitively sustainable development of processing organizations.


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How to Cite
Ендовицкая, Е. В. (2020). Implementation of personnel controlling in processing organizations based on reengineering. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 12, 197-206.