Industrial enterprises and their marketing models: new aspects, problems and approaches

  • Elena A. Shchetinina St. Petersburg state technological Institute (technical University)
  • Елена Сергеевна Краснопёрова Belgorod state technological University im.V.G.Shukhov
Keywords: marketing, industrial enterprises, industrial marketing, value proposition, innovative products, relationship marketing, joint value creation, projective marketing


Purpose: to develop methodological approaches to the organization of business, marketing and effective communications in industrial enterprises, taking into account their specifics, as well as changes in the strength and mode of competition, in the demand of the business consumer, the institutional environment and trends in the digitalization of the economy. Discussion: the specifics of industrial production from the point of view of the market affect the formation of marketing models, and therefore the possibility of using some progressive models to create a value proposition in the development of new industrial products should be investigated. Results: the validity of the use is justified of the theory of trade-offs for the formation of effective interaction between manufacturers and consumers of industrial products in the process of product development. A typology of modern variations of industrial marketing is proposed in order to increase the level of marketing management of industrial enterprises, including their innovative projects for the B2B market. The essence, content and scheme of project marketing are clarified, its advantages and possible problems are revealed, as well as the areas of most effective application.


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How to Cite
Shchetinina, E. A., & Краснопёрова, Е. С. (2021). Industrial enterprises and their marketing models: new aspects, problems and approaches. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 87-97.