Analysis of lending in the Russian banking sector and its impact on the liquidity of credit institutions

  • Alexander S. Gokoev North Ossetian State University named after K.D. Khetagurov
  • Svetlana S. Galazova North Ossetian State University named after K.D. Khetagurov
Keywords: Credit risk, Risk of unbalanced liquidity, risk managemen, risk management, lending, overdue debt


Purpose: the article is devoted to the generalization and analysis of theoretical concepts on credit risk management by credit institutions and the impact of the level of lending in the Russian banking sector on the liquidity of credit institutions. Discussion: the authors suggest that it is impossible to ensure the stability of banks without addressing issues related to credit risk management, which largely affects the liquidity of both an individual bank and all elements of the banking system as a whole. Results: the results of the studies carried out confirmed that credit risks accepted by credit institutions significantly affect the liquidity of both an individual bank and the entire banking system as a whole.


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How to Cite
Gokoev, A. S., & Galazova, S. S. (2021). Analysis of lending in the Russian banking sector and its impact on the liquidity of credit institutions. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 1, 98-107.