Influence of investment strategies of industrial companies before 2008 crisis on postcrisis dynamics of development

  • Дмитрий Сергеевич Власов
Keywords: fixed capital investments, manufacturing industry, investment strategies, cluster analysis, industrial policy


Purpose: аrticle is devoted to the problem of influence of industrial company’s investments on their dynamics of development in future years with accent on post crisis period. Discussion: industrial company’s dynamic of development in post crisis period can be explained by their strategies (production, finance or investment), which companies used. In most cases this dynamic can be explained by investment strategies. Definition of fixed investment strategies which is based on cluster analysis method can let us forecast future behavior of those companies and also let us choose some companies which need government help the most. In this article we made an attempt to define such strategies using cluster analysis method (k-means, k-medians). Results: authors have defined four investment strategies groups, which has been used by different industrial companies. We have showed that companies which used second strategy demonstrated highest rate of growth and improved their competitive position.


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How to Cite
Власов, Д. С. (2015). Influence of investment strategies of industrial companies before 2008 crisis on postcrisis dynamics of development. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 50-61. Retrieved from
Industrial Economics