Economic aspects of scientific and technological progress and its impact on macroeconomic processes

  • Дмитрий Александрович Королев
  • Мария Евгеньевна Листопад
  • Григорий Викторович Деружинский
Keywords: economic growth, macroeconomics, technical and science progress


Purpose: the article considers the problematic aspects of STP in Russia: from genesis to their solutions. Discussion: economic verge of scientific and technical progress it is logical to explore through the prism of assessing its impact on macroeconomic processes. RF inherited 70% of the scientific and technical potential of the former USSR, but since its collapse scientific and technical feasibility of our country has declined substantially, not only quantitatively but also qualitatively. Since 1998, there have been positive trends: Russia embarked on the path of sustainable development with an annual positive growth. Results: it is proved that today more economic growth than previously and is associated with the production efficiency. To achieve this it is necessary to qualitatively change the productive forces by introducing them to the latest achievements of science and technology. Revealed that the priority areas of STP in the Russian Federation are biotechnology, flexible automated production and the creation of robotics.


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How to Cite
Королев, Д. А., Листопад, М. Е., & Деружинский, Г. В. (2015). Economic aspects of scientific and technological progress and its impact on macroeconomic processes. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 69-77. Retrieved from
Industrial Economics