Analysis theoretical bases of transformation processes in economics

  • Даниэл Жуниор Мендес Морену Voronezh State University
Keywords: economic system, transformation, institutionalism, developing countries


Purpose : the author performs the analysis and generalization of theoretical provisions on transformation processes in the economy. Discussion : the existence of humanity does not possible without the economy. The study of the transformation of socio-economic systems began in the framework of historical science and political economy. The works of representatives in the classical political economy such as A. Smith and D. Ricardo contain the certain provisions on the changes of the economic system. The economic development according to J. Schumpeter is the process of innovative activity, continuously progressing from within. V. Zombart made an attempt to trace the transformation of capitalism back in the 1920s. Modern economists (for example, M. Todaro) also examine the processes of economic transformation and highlight their sources, content and driving forces. Results : the authors showed that the transformation of socio-economic systems in developing countries differs from other forms of society dynamic development. Transformation processes in the economy qualitatively change the system-forming elements, basic institutions, structures in the economy, including the economy of developing countries.


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How to Cite
Морену, Д. Ж. М. (2017). Analysis theoretical bases of transformation processes in economics. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 82-90.