The stability analysis of small and medium oil and gas enterprises to adverse factors action

  • Екатерина Владимировна Николаева Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)
Keywords: small and medium enterprises, analysis, efficiency, sustainability, profit, ruin, damage, investment, influence, model, capital, project


Purpose: the author describes the procedure of the stable functioning analysis for small and medium enterprises of the oil and gas industry to influence of various adverse factors. Discussion: such factors as the oil and gas prices, tax rates, exchange rates, interest rates, etc adversely affect on the activities of many small and medium enterprises of the oil and gas industry. These factors significantly impact the sustainability of their operation according to analysis of work of small and medium enterprises of the oil and gas industry over the past decade. Therefore the stability of functioning analysis issues for small and medium enterprises in the oil and gas industry to action of adverse factors are extreme lyrelevant. Results: the author determined the influence degree of the debt financing share and the profit share of reserve fund on the effectiveness of the company including the likelihood of its survival and destruction.


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How to Cite
Николаева, Е. В. (2018). The stability analysis of small and medium oil and gas enterprises to adverse factors action. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 91-99.