Assessment of structural shifts in the distribution of livestock production in the Central Black-Earth region

  • Ульвия Физули гызы Гулиева Scientific Research Institute of Economics and Organization of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Central Black Earth Region of the Russian Federation
Keywords: animal husbandry, estimation, placement, change, structural shifts


Purpose: to analyze structural changes in the distribution of individual livestock products in the regions of the Central Black Earth region, to identify trends and identify areas for improvement.
Discussion: a rather complicated situation develops in the Central Black Earth region in the development of beef and milk production. Production of all kinds of meat in all categories of farms in the Central Black Earth region in 2015 exceeded the level of 1990/ However, most of the meat produced is pork and poultry meat. During the period under review, there was a significant change in the share of oblasts in the production of livestock products both in the scale of the region and on a national scale.
Results: the author assessed structural shifts in the location of production of the main livestock products among the regions of the Central Black Earth region.
The evaluation showed that changes in the structure of products are closely related to organizational and economic factors. Livestock development is the result of effective management of the territory.


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How to Cite
Гулиева, У. Ф. г. (2017). Assessment of structural shifts in the distribution of livestock production in the Central Black-Earth region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 7, 118-128.
Agricultural Economics