Analysis of trends in the development of retail food trade in the pre-crisis period and in the context of a pandemic

  • Dmitrii A. Endovitsky Voronezh State University
  • Anastasia A. Sukhareva Voronezh State University
Keywords: food products, demand, pandemic, retail trade, government regulation


Purpose: to identify the features of the dynamics of the retail market of food products in the conditions of socio-economic crises; to assess the effectiveness of measures of its state regulation in modern crisis conditions. Discussion: ensuring food security, preventing shortages of socially significant food products are the most important tasks of the state in a pandemic. In this regard, it is important to assess the dynamics of retail food sales, identify its key features, monitor pricing in this market and take timely supportive measures taking into account the interests of all parties involved, involve businesses in their implementation. Thus, the actual results of such an analysis are of interest to authorities, food producers, wholesale companies, retail chains and other interested users. Results: an assessment of the dynamics of the grocery retail market in the Russian Federation in the pre-pandemic periods and in the conditions of the current socio-economic crisis, taking into account the factors of inflation and changes in the population of the country; a comparative characteristic of the indicators of this market in three crisis periods: 2008-2009, 2014- 2015 and now; the effectiveness of measures of state support for the provision of food to the population based on statistical indicators is given.


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How to Cite
Endovitsky, D. A., & Sukhareva, A. A. (2022). Analysis of trends in the development of retail food trade in the pre-crisis period and in the context of a pandemic. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 2, 97-108.