Analysis of risks and internal business reserves of sustainable development in conditions of unprecedented economic constraints and new realities of competitionstability

  • Irina V. Polukhina Voronezh State University
Keywords: economic and business risks, corporate reserves, efficiency, financial stability and competitiveness, economic analysis


Importance: The article reveals the theoretical and organizational and methodological problems associated with the identification, assessment and analysis of financial and entrepreneurial risks, the search and implementation of on-farm reserves, the competent management of which determines the ability of a business to maneuver in changing conditions and achieve the desired indicators in current, investment and financial activities. Purpose: Systematization of the composition of financial and non-financial risks, threats to economic security, tasks and stages of their analysis, grouping and characterization of on-farm reserves of a telecommunications organization for the rational use of resources. Research design: Risks are an integral component of entrepreneurial activity, the ability of an organization to work economically safely depends on the effectiveness of management, economic analysis contributes to making the right management decisions on choosing the most optimal areas of business with a reasonable balance of economic benefits and losses. Conducting a systematic analysis of the composition and structure of on-farm reserves makes it possible not only to identify the hidden potential for the implementation of investment projects, but also to maneuver flexibly in unstable conditions, ensuring sufficient resources to maintain financial, production, and technological stability. The implementation of existing reserves allows us to ensure the stability of production in difficult economic conditions, the preservation of jobs, develop promising areas and enter new markets with technological products (works, services), achieve target profitability thresholds, make competent management decisions. Results: The author systematizes modern risks and threats to the economic security of the organization, reveals the content, composition, structure of internal reserves, analyzes the directions of improving the efficiency of information technology organizations. The methodological provisions of the analysis of financial and entrepreneurial risks, the quality of the use of on-farm reserves are also disclosed, the key risks and related threats associated with economic restrictions by a number of countries in relation to Russian companies, areas with potential on-farm reserves are grouped.


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How to Cite
Polukhina, I. V. (2022). Analysis of risks and internal business reserves of sustainable development in conditions of unprecedented economic constraints and new realities of competitionstability. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 5, 125-142.
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