Revision of approaches to the estimation of efficiency of personnel motivation in the economic analysis

  • Олег Николаевич Беленов Voronezh State University
  • Сергей Николаевич Коменденко Voronezh State University
  • Любовь Владимировна Чумаченко Voronezh State University
Keywords: efficiency of personnel remuneration, remuneration in educational organization, resourse-production ratio, factor analysis


Purpose: the article deals with the issue related to the need to differentiate the remuneration of the teaching staff of the educational institution, taking into account the manifestation of creative activity of employees. The problem of distribution of Fund of the stimulating payments at the level of faculty and higher education institution as a whole is designated, so that with use of the principle of justice to form the stimulating allowances for encouragement of employees for creative activity. Discussion: to solve this problem, the authors propose to use alternative measure m, the necessity of using an alternative measure of labor costs in the models of economic analysis. More over, the article deals with the interpretation of traditional terms «extensive and intensive factors» in resourse-production ratio. Results: the authors propose an approach to the step-up analysis of the efficiency of labor use on the basis of the correlation «added value to personnel costs», which has a number of advantages, including the possibility of using in non-profit organizations, such as educational institutions of higher education.


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How to Cite
Беленов, О. Н., Коменденко, С. Н., & Чумаченко, Л. В. (2019). Revision of approaches to the estimation of efficiency of personnel motivation in the economic analysis. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 3, 118-134.