«Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Systems Analysis and Information Technologies» is a quarterly scientific journal.

The journal publishes the results of original research in the field of system analysis and information technologies. The editorial board considers only original manuscripts in Russian or in English describing the results of research in informatics, computer facilities, and system management.

The authors contributing to the journal are leading specialists, experts, developers, engineers, and programmers. The journal also publishes manuscripts submitted by postgraduate students and young scientists.

The journal is included in the List of referenced scholarly journals recommended by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles for publishing the results of studies conducted in the speciality group: 2.3.1- System Analysis, Management, and Information Processing (technical sciences, physics and mathematics), 2.3.3- Automation and Control of the Technological Processes and Production (technical sciences), 2.3.4 -Management in Social and Economic Systems (technical sciences), 2.3.5- Mathematical and Software Support for ECM (technical sciences), 2.3.8 – Computer science and information processes (technical sciences), 1.2.1 – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 1.2.2 -  Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods, and Program Systems (technical sciences), and 2.3.6 -  Methods and Systems for Information Security, Information Security (technical sciences).


Full-text versions of articles are freely available in the E-library. They can also be downloaded directly from the journal’s website by following the link using the ELIBRARY button located below the title of each article.

Current Issue

No 1 (2024): January – March
Published: 2024-05-29

Mathematical Methods of System Analysis, Management and Modelling

Information-measuring, Control and Network Systems

Information Security

Intelligent Information Systems, Data Analysis and Machine Learning

Computer Linguistics and Natural Language Processing

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