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Author Guidelines

  General requirements

  How to submit your manuscript

  Style sheet


  Registration in Science Index and ORCID

  Useful links

General requirements


The journal publishes the results of original research in the field of system analysis and information technologies. The editorial board considers only original (not previously published elsewhere) manuscripts in Russian or in English describing the results of research in informatics, computer facilities, and systems management.

The journal includes the following sections:

  • mathematical methods of system analysis, management and modelling;
  • information and measurement, management, and network systems;
  • system analysis of social and economic processes;
  • information security;
  • modern software development technologies;
  • intellectual information systems, machine learning;
  • computational linguistics and natural language processing.

Manuscript length

The journal accepts for publication materials containing the results of original research, completed in the form of: articles (8-15 pages), reviews (up to 25 pages), and short communications (up to 2 pages). The length of the manuscript is measured by the number of pages, including references, abstracts, and information about the authors. One page is used as a unit of measurement provided that the author uses the following settings: preferred font – Times New Roman, font size – 12 pt, single line spacing. Automatic hyphenation should be off. The number of co-authors shall not exceed 5. The manuscript shall not contain more than 5 figures.


All articles undergo mandatory anti-plagiarism check. The acceptable level of originality of the article is 75% (self-citations are counted as borrowings and are not included in the original text).

The manuscript structure

Original manuscripts shall be clearly structured and conform to the generally accepted standards. All manuscripts shall include the following sections: ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, with the subsection OVERVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES, MATERIALS AND METHODS (theoretical section), RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, REFERENCES, and INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS.

Each section can be divided into subsections.

The name of the paper, the keywords, and the abstract should be provided both in Russian and in English. The abstract should be 200-250 words and present a short summary of the paper.

Information about the authors is also provided both in Russian and in English and shall include the academic degree and title, affiliation, phone number, e-mail of the author, and the sources of funding (grants, contest, etc.).

If your research received financial support, please give the details at the end of the CONCLUSIONS section. Here you can also express your gratitude to anyone who helped you with the writing of the manuscript or the research itself (analysis and interpretation of the results), etc.

The manuscript should be written in good Russian or English, formatted, and carefully edited.

Sections of the paper


Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is an international classification system used to organise scientific works, literature and art, periodicals, and other documents in a coherent system.


The name of the paper should be concise, accurate, and informative. It should be submitted be both in Russian and in English. Please avoid using punctuation, acronyms, or abbreviations. If the name is too long (over 50 characters with spaces), please provide a short name for the header (ellipses are acceptable).


The affiliations of the authors are marked using figures 1, 2, etc. This section should be both in Russian and in English. Please, denote the corresponding author.

Name of the organisation (affiliations)

Please, give the official full name of the organisation (your affiliation), its address, and postal index (for example: Voronezh State University, 1 Universitetskaya pl, Voronezh, 394018, Russian Federation)

It should be both in Russian and in English.


The abstract should be submitted both in English and in Russian and be followed by keywords. The abstract should be informative (not contain common words), structured (present a summary of the paper: its importance, materials, methods of the study, results, and conclusions), and concise (200-250 words). Please do not use complicated syntax, rare acronyms, abbreviations, references, formulas, or figures in the abstract. Formulas and special symbols are also not recommended.

The abstract in English should be a short summary of the article underlining its thesis, the main goals and methodology of the study, and provide a summary of the main results and their scientific value. It should conform to the logical structure of the article. It should be written in good English and include technical terminology. The abstract should cover the following aspects of the paper: the object, topic, and purpose of the study, methods and methodology, the results of the research and their possible application, and conclusions. If your paper is in Russian, the abstract in English is the only source of information about your study that scientists from other countries can understand.


7-10 words or phrases (should correspond to the content of the paper since they contribute to indexing the article in search systems, including online search). Keywords should be both in Russian and in English.


Introduction states the problem under consideration, its relevance, and the tasks to be solved. It should contain an overview of the existing approaches to the problem and state the purpose of the study. The introduction begins with the statement of the relevance of the topic and a short overview of the current trends with regard to the considered problem. It is followed by a detailed analysis of the previous studies (this can be a separate subsection OVERVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES), which contains an overview of the most important and most recent works on the problem considered. The overview should present the results of these studies followed by the discussion of their strengths and weaknesses, flaws and issues that, in your opinion, should be given thorough consideration, which you attempt to address in your own study. The introduction states the purpose of the study which should be accurate and clear. The purpose should be fulfilled in your study, which can be verified by the results presented in the paper.

Methods and Materials

The section Materials and Methods should contain a clear description of the methodology used to solve the problem, the objects of the study, models, methods and algorithms, visualization techniques, the specifics of the modelling or simulation process, as well as the information about the used software packages, databases, information resources, etc. (i.e. everything you used to obtain the results presented in the paper). The section may include subsections named according to their specific purpose, for example, “Description of the suggested method/algorithm…”, “The suggested mathematical model of the process…”, “The methodology of the study…”, “The suggested approach…” etc.

The section presents a theoretical, mathematized, and sufficiently accurate description and grounding for the suggested solution (methods, methodologies, algorithms, models, mathematical settings, technologies, structural principles, etc.). In this section the authors prove the novelty of the suggested solution (by describing its distinguishing features), as well as its theoretical and applied value.

Results and Discussion

The section describes the conditions, limitations, and the initial data used in the experimental study of the suggested solution as well as the comparative analysis of the obtained results presented as graphs, tables, diagrams, etc. The section presents both the comparison of the alternative results obtained in the study (if any) and a comparison of the obtained results with the results of the existing solutions obtained using the same initial data. This section may also have a separate subsection called Discussion with the detailed description of the obtained results, the analysis of the advantages and limitations of the application of the suggested solutions. Please, provide an objective comparison of your results with the previously published findings. In this section, you can also discuss the novelty of your study and the way it complements the previous ones.


The section should briefly state the main conclusions of the research. Please, demonstrate that the obtained results allowed you to achieve the purpose of the study. The conclusions may also contain recommendations on further research, identify the remaining issues that require further study, and contain acknowledgements, including references to grants and other sources of funding.


The section should be submitted both in Russian and in English. Please, do not include unpublished works in the list of references.

Names and abbreviations

Please, do not abbreviate (or in any other way change) the names of papers and journals. Please, use only official short names of international journals. To find the official version, you can use CAS Source Index, the WorldCat Library, the Web of Science (ISI), the title catalogue of the  MedLine (NLM Catalog). If there is no official short name, use the full title of the journal.

If the cited material has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), it should be given at the very end of the bibliographic reference. You can check the DOI of the article on the website  CrossRef  or Citethisforme.com. To get a DOI, enter the name of the paper in English in the search box. The second website, besides providing the DOI, will also automatically generate a correct bibliographic reference to the paper in English using the Harvard reference style. Since 2000, most international journals (and since 2013, some Russian papers as well) are registered in the CrossRef system and have a unique DOI.

The journal follows the Harvard Style of reference. References should be numbered and listed consecutive in the order in which they are cited in the text (notwithstanding the language of the title) rather than in alphabetical order. Bibliographic references in the text of the article are indicated by numbers in square brackets.

The list of references shall include:

  • at least 15 references to scientific papers
  • no more than 20% of references to the author’s own works
  • at least 30% of references should be to original articles by international authors
  • at least 50% of the references should be to articles published within the previous 5 years, including by authors from other countries

The English version of the list of references should be formatted using the Harvard – Imperial College London.

The requirements to the formatting of the references are given below in the Style sheet section.

Information about the authors

The section should include the full last and first name(s) of the author(s), their academic degree, academic title, affiliation, position, the official address of the organisation(s), phone number, e-mail, and ORCID. It should be both in Russian and in English.

You can find a detailed styleguide for authors as well as all the templates on the journal’s website, section To Authors, subsection Templates.

The requirements are the same for papers in Russian and in English. If your manuscript is in English, please, submit both in Russian and in English the full name of the paper, the short name (for the header), the abstract, keywords, and information about the authors. The references should be in English. Tables and figure captions should only be in English.

How to submit your manuscript

(The papers should be submitted to the editorial office in electronic form to the email: cs-it@cs.vsu.ru. The authors shall submit the following materials and documents.)

The papers should be submitted online via the journal’s electronic platform Open Journal System (OJS). To use the system, you should register and log in. Any questions regarding the system may be addressed to cs-it@cs.vsu.ru

Please upload the following documents through your personal account.

  • The manuscript in a *.docx file (MS Word 2007 and newer). MS Equation 3.0 or Math Type should be used for formulas!
  • A *.pdf file with the manuscript.
  • The following information should be provided both in Russian and in English:
    • full name of the paper, short name of the paper (for the header);
    • abstract (200-250 words), keywords (up to 10);
    • references.
  • Figures should be of good quality and submitted as separate *.png, *.jpg, or *.tif files.
  • Author profile (in Russian and in English) with the following information: full last and first name of the author, affiliation, position, academic degree, academic title, ORCID, contacts (the official address of the organisation: city, country, postal index), e-mail, and phone number of the author. To get your ORCID, please register at https://orcid.org/. You can find   Author Profile template.
  • A scanned colour copy of the expert evidence proving that the paper can be published in open sources. The expert evidence should be signed and certified with the seal of the organisation.
  • A scanned colour copy of the   License agreement for the right to use the paper concluded with the journal «Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Systems Analysis and Information Technologies» (all authors shall sign the agreement).
  •   Checklist for authors. Before submitting your manuscript, please check whether it conforms to the journal’s requirements.

Style sheet

General notes

For your convenience, there is a   Manuscript template

The manuscript should be in Word format (MS Word 2007 and newer). Please submit your manuscript as a *.docx, *.doc, or *.rtf file and a separate *.pdf file (so that symbols and formulas are displayed correctly).

Page size – A4; orientation – portrait; margins: right and left – 20 mm, top – 2.5 mm, bottom – 30 mm. Blank header and footer. No page numbers.

Text formatting

Main font – Times New Roman, font size – 12 pt. Single line spacing. Please, use only black font. There should not be any highlighted elements.

If you want to highlight terms, bold and italics are recommended. Please, avoid using underlines.

Indentation should be 10 mm.

The headings of the sections should be centred and should not contain hyphens.

The paper may have three levels of headings.

The first-level headings are in bold upper case letters. All the sections except for INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSIONS, and REFERENCES are numbered.

The second-level headings are in bold and numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. (i.e. the number of the section and the number of the subsection).

The third-level headings are in bold and numbered 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, etc.

The heading is followed by a blank line.

You do not necessarily need to number the sections. If you do not, the headings are in bold italics, centred, and there is no blank line after.

Please, pay attention to the following

  • The text of the manuscript should contain automatic hyphenation.
  • Hyphen, minus sign, dash. Please, note that hyphens (-), en dashes (–), and em dashes (—) are not the same.
  • Please, use them as follows:
  • En dash (without spaces):
  • the height of 20-30 thousand meters
  • this is 60-80% of the total load weight
  • For value ranges (en dash or ellipsis):
  • 100–200 100...200
  • Em dash (with spaces):
  • the Cauchy – Bunyakovsky – Schwarz inequality
  • Hyphen (without spaces):
  • two-three meters
  • Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak
  • Saint-Petersburg
  • phases of the stress-strain state

The main body of the manuscript may contain figures, tables, listings, and formulas.


All formulas should be on separate lines. The formulas and variables described in the text should be created with MS Equation 3.0 or Math Type (default style, font size - 12 pt.) as separate objects.

The width of each formula should not exceed 82.5 mm (equal to the column width in the journal), including the number of the formula.

Variables can be denoted with Greek or Latin letters. Latin letters (upper and lower case) should be in italics (x, Y ). Greek lower case letters should be in italics ( β ), and Greek upper case letters in normal font ( Ω ). Vectors and matrices should be in bold ( x, A ).

Do not use scaling when changing the size of the formulas!

Hyphens in formulas. How to break formulas. If a formula is too long for one line, it can be continued on the next line. Separation should preferably be made after ratio symbol less preferably after dot leaders (...), plus and minus signs (+ , - , ±), and the least preferably after multiplication signs (×). Do not break formulas after division signs.

The sign after which you break the formula shall be at the end of the first line and copied to the beginning of the second line of the formula! Dot leaders are also copied to the next line.

Division of fractions with long numerators and short denominators. We suggest converting the fraction to a decimal: the numerator is then a polynomial in brackets, and the reciprocal of the denominator is outside the parenthesis. Fractions can only be divided after a plus sign.

Division of fractions with long denominators and short numerators. We suggest using a forward slash instead of a division sign, and present the nominator and the denominator as polynomials in brackets. Certain elements of the denominator can be replaced with symbols explained after the formula.

Division of formulas with long radical expressions. Such expressions can be simplified by raising them to a corresponding power. Radicals are separated after a plus sign.

See the example below.

Vieta's theorem. The sum of the roots of a normalised quadratic equation

  x2 + px + q = 0   (1)

is equal to the negation of the coefficient of the second term, and the product of the roots is equal to the intercept term.

x1 + x2 = −p,   x1 · x2 = q

Theorem proof. Let’s consider ...

The equalities demonstrating the dependencies between the roots x1, x2 and the coefficients of the quadratic equation p, q :

x1 + x2 = −p,

x1 · x2 = q,

are called Vieta’s formulas.

Theorems, lemmas, and definitions. The words Theorem, Lemma, Proof, and Definition are be in bold. The statements of theorems and lemmas are be in italics. All definitions are in normal font.


The manuscript shall not contain more than 5 figures. The figures are published in colour only in the digital version of the journal.

Figures should be of good quality and submitted as separate *.png, *.jpg, or *.tif files. For raster formats, please use the following guidelines: the resolution of scanned raster images should be 600 dpi, the resolution of grayscale images - at least 300 dpi.

Figures should not have any margins.

The font size in the figures is 11, 12 pt.

Figure captions should not be parts of the figures. Captions of tables, figures, listings, and any other illustrative material, as well as comments and designations should be submitted both in Russian and in English.

References to the figures in the text should be in the following format: Fig. 1. The figure should go after the first reference to it. In the final page layout figures may be shifted onto the following page.

References to tables in the text should be in the following format: Table 1.


Tables should be parts of the text, not graphic objects. The size of the text in tables is 11-12 pt.

All table captions should be both in Russian and in English.

References to tables in the text should be in the following format: Table 1. The table should go after the first reference to it.


References are listed alphabetically based on the family name of the first author.

If there are two or more authors with the same last name, they are listed alphabetically on their first names.

References to several works by the same author are listed chronologically.

References to several works by the same author published in the same year are listed alphabetically based on the name of the paper.

  • Reference formatting. The English version of the list of references should be formatted using the Harvard – Imperial College London style (http://www.imperial.ac.uk/admin-services/library/learning-support/reference-management/harvard-style/your-reference-list/). The year of publication, the volume of the journal, and the pages of the paper can be abridged (see examples below).
  • Punctuation.
    • All the punctuation marks used in accordance with GOST (“//”, “/”, “–”) should be replaced with commas and periods.
    • The family names of the authors go before the first names. The family name is followed by a comma.
    • The initials are followed by periods and separated by spaces.
    • The names of multiple authors are separated by commas.
    • The initials of the author are followed by the year of publication in brackets.
    • The name of the paper ends with a period.
    • The name of the periodical (book, scientific journal) should be in italics.
    • The formatting of the rest of the reference should coincide with those shown in the examples below.
  • Translation and transliteration. References to papers written using the Latin alphabet (in English, German, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Danish, or any other language based on the Latin alphabet) should be given in the language of the original. Example (a paper in German from a German journal): Janzen, G., & Hawlik, M. (2005) Orientierung im Raum: Befunde zu Entscheidungspunkten. Zeitschrift für Psychologie. 213 (4), 179–186. (In German)
  • If you provide references to papers written using the Cyrillic alphabet (including in Russian), hieroglyphs, etc., please provide an OFFICIAL TRANSLATION or translate the name of the paper into English yourself. Book titles are transliterated and translated into English. The year of publication should be given in brackets at the end of the reference.
  • Transliteration standard. The BSI (British Standard Institute, UK) standard should be used for transliteration. For automatic transliteration into the Latin alphabet we recommend to use this link.
  • Names of the authors and editors. The names and initials of the authors should be written in the Latin alphabet the same way they are provided in the source. Use the names of the authors provided in Latin in the referenced source regardless of the transliteration standard used there. If the referenced source (the journal's website or databases including the eLibrary) does not have the names of the authors in the Latin alphabet, use the BSI transliteration standard.
  • Names of the papers. Always use official translation of the names of the articles, if any (look for the information on the journals’ websites, or use databases, including the eLibrary). If the publication source does not provide an official translation, you should translate the name of the paper yourself.
  • Names of journals. Some of the periodicals (journals) that were not originally published in English still have a parallel official English name. Therefore, in the References section, the names of journals for articles published in a Russian-language journals should be either the transliterated name of the journal or a translated one. The translated name of the journal can be found on the journal’s website, in the cited paper, or in the reference databases, including CAS Source Index, WorldCat, the catalogue of Web of Science (ISI), or the title catalogue of the MedLine (NLM Catalog). If there is no official translation of the name of the journal into English, the name is transliterated using the BSI standard. Do not translate the names of journals on your own.
  • The place of publication.The Place of publication in References should be written in English (translated rather than transliterated) and without abbreviations, e.g. “Moscow” rather than “Moskva” or “M.:”, “Saint Petersburg” rather than “Sankt Peterburg” or “SPb”.
  • Name of publishing house/publisher. Unlike the place of publication, the name of the publishing house must be transliterated unless the publishing house has a parallel official English name.
  • Language of publication. If the referenced paper was not originally published in English (i.e. you provided a translation of the name of the paper and a transliteration/translation of the name of the journal in the References section), please, state the language of the publication in brackets after the page numbers. For example, if the paper is in Russian, put “(in Russian)” at the end of the reference.

Examples of references

Journal articles

Journal article: Print

Both the paper and the journal have a parallel English name.

Vasil'ev, V. I. (2015) Local Self Government on the Way to Centralization and Reduction of Electivity. Journal of Russian Law. (9), 149–161. (in Russian)

Neither the paper, nor the journal has a parallel English name.

Krasovskii, A. A. (1914) K reforme nashego grazhdanskogo protsessa [To the Reform of Russian Civil Process]. Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava. (1), 27–66. (in Russian)

A paper in German in a German-language journal

Janzen, G., & Hawlik, M. (2005) Orientierung im Raum: Befunde zu Entscheidungspunkten. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie. 213 (4), 179–186. (in German)

A paper in English in an English-language journal

Norcross, F. (1910) Criminal Law Reform. Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. 1 (3), 386–393.

Journal has only issue number

Vasil'ev, V. I. (2015) Local Self Government on the Way to Centralization and Reduction of Electivity. Journal of Russian Law. (9), 149–161. (in Russian)

Journal article with a DOI

Lamond, G. (2014) Analogical Reasoning in the Common Law. Oxford Journal of Legal Studies. 34 (3), 567–588. Available from: doi:10.1093/ojls/gqu014.

Journal article: online

Winkel, L. (2010) Forms of Imposed Protection in Legal History, Especially in Roman Law. Erasmus Law Review(2), 155–162. Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/1765/21274 [Accessed 20th January 2017].


Book has one or more authors

(a monograph in Russian that does not have a parallel English name).

Kalashnikov, G. O. (2007) Sliyanie i pogloshchenie kompanii po pravu Evropeiskogo soyuza [Mergers and Acquisitions of Companies according to the European Union Law]. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya publ. (in Russian)

Abashidze, A. Kh. & Koneva, A. E. (2015) Dogovornye organy po pravam cheloveka [The Human Rights of Treaty Bodies]. Moscow, PFUR publ. (in Russian)

Monograph in English

Gray, C. (2012) The philosophy of law. New York, Routledge.

Book only has an editor (no authors)


Nersesyants V. S. (ed.) (2004) Problemy obshchei teorii prava i gosudarstva [Problems of the General Theory of Law and the State]. Moscow, Norma. (in Russian)

Book has one or more authors

Killian, J. H. & Beck, L. E. (eds.) (1987) The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and Interpretation. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office.

Сhapter in an edited book

Randall, L. (2012) Peace Treaties and the Formation of International Law. In: Fassbender, B., Peters, A. & Peter, S. (eds.) The Oxford handbook of the history of international law. Oxford, United Kindom, Oxford University Press, pp. 71–94.

Translated book

Fuller, L. (1965) Moral' prava [The Morality of Law]. Translated from English by Danilova, T. (2016) Moscow, IRISEN. (In Russian)

Ehrlich, E. (1913) Osnovopolozhenie sotsiologii prava [Grundlegung der Sociologie des Rechts]. Translated from German by Antonov, M.V. (2011) Saint Petersburg, Universitetskii izdatel'skii konsortsium. (in Russian)

Conference proceeding

Chirkin, V. E. (2017) Personal, Private and Public Interests in Modern Constitutions In: Nemytina, M. V. (ed.) Interests in Law. Zhidkov’s readings: Procedings of All-Russian Scientific Conference, 25–26 March 2016, Moscow, Russia. Moscow, RUDN, pp. 177–183. (in Russian)

You can find a detailed description of the Harvard style and the corresponding style guides on the website.

For more referencing examples.

Information about the authors

Information about the authors is submitted both in Russian and in English and includes the following: family and first name(s) of the author(s), affiliations, position, academic degree, academic title, ORCID, contacts (the official address of the organisation: city, country, postal index), e-mail, and telephone number.


Registration in Science Index and ORCID

Science Index

We kindly request all authors to register with Science Index (Russian science citation index). Registration will enable you to search for papers and manage the list of your own works, and will give you access to full-text versions of the papers.

To register just fill in this form. It will take only a few minutes. Please, do not forget to tick the box “register with SCIENCE INDEX". When you complete the registration, you will be assigned a personal SPIN-code, which you should provide in the section “Information about the authors”.


We also kindly request all authors to register with ORCID and receive a personal international identifier ("Open Researcher and Contributor ID")

Following a request by the authors whose manuscripts were accepted for publication, but who do not have their own ORCIDs, we publish a step-by-step instruction on how to register.

ORCID identifies papers, books, and other scientific works by a particular author in scientific databases (Scopus, Web of Science, etc.), library indexing systems, etc. It also helps to address the problem of the same author’s name being transliterated differently and hence considered to be several different authors (eg. Piatnitsky, Pyatnitzki, etc).

ORCID is a must for all authors who publish their works in international journals and whose names are originally in the Cyrillic alphabet.

ORCID is not a citation database, like Scopus, RSCI, etc. It is a separate database whose aim is to address the problem of author identification and contribution recognition. ORCID is an ID which helps to identify all your papers. (Using ORCID you can also manage your publication list and update you affiliations and position. In other words, the database stores your basic CV attached to your author profile.)

Open the ORCID website.It has both an English and a Russian version (you can change the language in the right upper corner). Register on the website and fill in your name Russian and the preferred transliteration. Send us your ORCID to be published with your paper.

We also recommend to fill in at least your current place of work, i.e. your affiliation. If you have any papers indexed in Scopus, we also suggest that you register your ORCID with Scopus.

In order to do so, please, follow the instruction below:

  1. Open the Author search page on Scopus
  2. Type your first and last name in Latin and click the search button 
  3. Find your name in the list and click on it to go to your profile 
  4. Click “Add to ORCID” on the right 
  5. Scopus will automatically redirect you to your ORCID page. Click “Sign in” (“Already have an ORCID iD? Sign In”)
  6. Enter your ORCID login and password and click “Authorize”
  7. Follow the instructions

Now your Scopus profile is linked to your ORCID ID. Always add your ORCID ID to the information about the author and ask to publish it when submitting your papers to journals indexed in citation databases.

Useful links

  1. DRAW IO — A cloud service for creating figures, flow charts, graphs, tables, etc.
  2. ORCID you can receive a digital key to your publication record (available in Russian too) after you register at website
  3. GOST 7.1-2003
  4. 4 GOST R 7.0.5-2008 Bibliographic reference
  5. You can check the DOI of an article on the link or link
  6. Mendeley — a social network for scientists and a reference manager
  7. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
  8. Scopus — science citation database (available on a subscription basis)
  9. Publons — a website that provides a service for academics to verify their peer review and editorial contributions for academic journals (retaining the anonymity of the review process).
  10. Transliteration — a website for automated transliteration
  11. Association of Science Editors and Publishers — study materials, recommendations, and links to useful sources for authors and journal editors
  12. UDC
  13. A system for decoding UDCs

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Privacy Statement

Names and e-mails submitted on the journal's website, are used exclusively for the purposes determined by the journal. They will not be used for any other purpose or passed over to third parties.