
  Review template

Peer Review Process

  1. The editorial board considers for publication those materials containing the results of original research, completed in the form of articles, reviews, and short communications.
  2. The submitted manuscript shall be formatted according to the journal’s style sheet. Otherwise the manuscript will not be accepted for peer review!
  3. All manuscripts conforming to the formatting requirements of the journal, undergo mandatory peer review performed by experts in information technologies and system analysis. Peer reviewers may be members of the editorial board or external experts.
  4. There are no review and publication fees!
  5. The journal employs single-blind (anonymous) review (the authors do not know who the reviewers are, while the reviewers know who the authors are).
  6. The reviewers for the submitted manuscripts are chosen by the editorial board. All reviewers are acknowledged specialists that have papers in the area of the reviewed article which have been published in the past 3 years.
  7. The reviewer assesses the manuscript using the following criteria: the manuscript’s compliance with the subject matter of the journal; the validity of the results of the presented research; correctness of representation of the works by other authors; sufficient and accurate references; the quality of language and formatting.
  8. The review ends with one of the following recommendations: the manuscript can be published in the journal; the manuscript can be accepted pending revision (based on the reviewer’s commentaries); the article should be rejected.
  9. Reviewers have no more than one month to complete the review process.
  10. Based on the results of the peer review, the manuscript is either accepted or rejected. The final decision on whether to accept or reject the manuscript after the revision is made by the editorial board.
  11. The number and the names of the authors cannot be changed after the manuscript is submitted for peer review.
  12. The editorial board provides copies of the reviews (without the names of the reviewers) or substantiated refusal to the authors.
  13. All reviews are stored in the journal’s archive for 5 years.
  14. An article sent to the author for revision should be returned in corrected form along with its original version as soon as possible. A revised manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing responses to all comments and explaining all changes made in the article. Articles delayed for over three months or requiring re-processing are treated as newly submitted.
  15. In case of a positive review, the manuscript undergoes content and copy editing. All the text fragments presented in English are proofread and edited by professional translators.
  16. The layouts of articles prepared for publication are submitted to the authors for proofreading, after which they must be returned to the editor within a week. The article layouts that are returned (as well as not returned within the specified period) are sent to the printing house without further checks and approval.
  17. The authors may only correct printing mistakes and introduce minor changes to the text or tables.