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Author Guidelines

  Article template

  Article template

  Publishing License Agreement

General Provisions

The journal “Proceedings of Voronezh State University” accepts for publication materials containing the results of original research, completed in the form original studies written in the form of articles, short communications, and reviews (with the agreement of the editors). Published materials, as well as materials submitted for publication in other journals, are not accepted for consideration. All articles are tested in the Anti-Plagiarism system; the uniqueness of the text of the article should be at least 75%. Authors must submit an ORCID ID - a unique 16-digit code assigned for the unambiguous identification of articles by the author and other studies. Registration for authors is individual and independent, available on the website.

Full articles up to 20 pages and up to 6 figures and short articles up to 5 pages and 4 figures are accepted. The maximum volume of an article should not be not more than 1 press sheet. (40 thousand characters, including spaces). The article should be written concisely, formatted, and carefully edited.

 The journal accepts for publication articles on the Earth Sciences branch 25.00.00 (Specialities: 25.00.01 General and regional geology; 25.00.02 Palaeontology and stratigraphy; 25.00.04 Petrology, volcanology; 25.00.06 Lithology; 25.00.07 Hydrogeology; 25.00.09 Geochemistry, geochemical methods of prospecting mineral deposits; 25.00.10 Geophysics, geophysical methods of mineral exploration; 25.00.11 Geology, prospecting and mining of solid minerals, minerageny; 25.00.36 Geoecology).

The journal has the following sections:

  • General and regional geology;
  • Palaeontology, stratigraphy, lithology;
  • Petrology, volcanology, geochemistry;
  • Geology, prospecting and mining of solid minerals, minerageny;
  • Geophysics;
  • Hydrogeology, geoecology;
  • Short communications
  • Criticism and bibliography;
  • Chronicle

For the publication of the article, the authors must submit to the editors the following materials and documents:

  1. The text of the article, in accordance with the requirements below.
  2. Information about the authors: organization, position, academic degree, email address (in Russian and English).
  3. Covering letter, which should contain the following information: “The manuscript has not been submitted to another journal and has not been previously published. All authors have read and approved manuscript. The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the materials presented in the manuscript. The manuscript may be published in public sources.”
  4. License agreement electronically signed by all authors.

The editors accept article materials only in electronic form.

Authors are not charged for the publication of articles.

Publication process

  1. Manuscripts must undergo an initial screening for compliance with the format and subject matter requirements of the journal. In case of inconsistency with the latter, the Editorial Board has the right to refuse the publication or to transmit to the authors its comments regarding the article, which must be corrected before being reviewed again.
  2. All manuscripts that have passed the initial screening undergo a mandatory single-blind (anonymous) review and, in the case of a positive review, undergo content and copy editing. All reviewers are recognized specialists who have published articles on the subject of a peer-reviewed article over the past 3 years.
  3. Upon receipt of positive reviews, the study is considered accepted for consideration by the editorial board, which makes a decision in which issue of the journal the article will be published. An article sent to the author for revision should be returned in corrected form along with its original version within a week. A revised manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing responses to all comments and explaining all changes made in the article. Articles delayed for a longer period or requiring re-processing are treated as newly submitted.
  4. All approved articles are passed to the editor and proofreader. The layouts of articles prepared for publication are submitted to the authors for proofreading, after which they must be returned to the editor within a week. The article layouts that are returned (as well as not returned within the specified period) are sent to the printing house without further checks and approval.

Manuscript requirements


The electronic version of the article must be attached in A4 Microsoft Word format (*.doc, *.docx). The manuscript must be typewritten with margin size of 2 cm, 1.5 line spacing using Times New Roman and 14 pt font size. The subheadings of the article should be in semi-bold upper case. The text should not contain automatic hyphenation. Decimal values (0.1; 0.9; 2.3) should be written using a decimal point. The text should not contain double spaces or indentation using spaces. Formulas should be typed using a combination of the main font and the Symbol font (exceptions are made for fractions, sums, square root) using Microsoft Equation 3.0 Formula Editor or Math Type 6.


Figures can be presented in vector or raster format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. All graphic data should be placed in the text of the article, and can also attached additionally as separate files. All figures (graphs, photographs) must be numbered. The text should contain references to the relevant figures. Illustrations must have the same graphic style, ensuring consistency across illustrations. The figure captions and legends should have duplicate English names in square brackets below the main captions and legends. Numeration within a figure should be alphabetic, in Latin: a, b, c ... The scales on the graphs should be written in English.


Tables must have duplicate English names in square brackets below the main name. Notes for tables and column headings must also have their text duplicated in English. If there is Russian text in the cells of a table, it should be duplicated in English in the same cell, underneath the Russian in square brackets. Tables should not be created as graphic objects. In the text of the article, references to tables are required.

The structure of the publication

The publication of articles, short communications, and reviews begins with the indexes of UDC, DOI, date of acceptance by the editor, acceptance for publication and date of publication, article title, copyright sign, year, author(s) (initials, surname); name, address of organization(s), email of the corresponding author.


The abstract should be provided in Russian and English. It should be detailed (average volume of 250 words), informative (not contain common words), content-related (describe the main goals and methods of the study, summarize the most important results and their scientific importance), and structured (follow the logic of the article). The following parts are included in the abstract:

  1. Introduction or Purpose: defines the scientific problem and the purpose of the article;
  2. Methodology: provides information about the objects being studies, the sequence of actions performed, and the materials and methods used;
  3. Results and discussion: the authors present specific research results and their discussion;
  4. Conclusion: the practical significance and future prospects of the study are indicated.

The above parts should have the appropriate subheadings and the relevant information should be stated in these sections. The abstract should not contain references, abbreviations, or acronyms. The abstract is a brief summary, published separately from the main text, and it should be understandable without reference to the publication.

Key words

3–10 key words must not repeat the title of the article, use terms from the text of the article defining the subject area and contributing to indexing the article in search systems.


Sources of funding for the study reported and/or preparation of the article (foundation, commercial or governmental organization, private person, etc.), if any, must be stated.

For citation: Ivanov I. I., Petrov P. P. Name of article.  Vestnik Voronezhskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Geologija = Proceedings of Voronezh State University. Series: Geology, 2019, no. 4, pp. 31–36. DOI: https: //doi.org / .....

Main text

The editorial board recommends that the authors structure the material presented using the following headings: Introduction, Methodology, Results and discussion, Conclusion. The above sections should have appropriate subheadings.


The Acknowledgements section should be after the main text. This section mentions (with their consent) all people who contributed substantially to the study but cannot be regarded as co-authors.

Conflict of interest

 At the end of the article there should be information about any possible conflict of interests: conditions and facts that could influence the results of the study (for example, funding by interested parties and companies, their participation in discussing the results of the study or writing of the manuscript, etc.). In the absence of any conflicts of interests, the following wording should be used: "The authors declare the absence of obvious and potential conflicts of interest related to the publication of this article."


The Vancouver reference style is used in the journal: in the references section, the references are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text (regardless of the language in which the article is written), and not alphabetically. Bibliographic references in the text of the article are indicated by numbers in square brackets. Any literature in Russian is made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008. The names of all authors, the title of the article, the name of the journal (may be abbreviated), year of publication, volume (issue), number, pages, DOI or Internet address must be indicated. It is advisable to use not more than 30–40 sources. Links to unpublished literature sources are unacceptable.

Considering the requirements of international citation systems, bibliographic lists included in the English References section, must be in Latin letters. The References section should completely duplicate the References section in Russian, regardless whether there are foreign sources in it. If the References section contains links to foreign publications, they must be repeated in the References section in the Latin alphabet.

In the References section, Russian GOST 7.0.5-2008 is not used. In this case, the name of the source and imprint are separated from the authors and the title of the article in italics by a full stop or semicolon. The names of the authors and the Russian names of the sources are transliterated. The names of articles, monographs, collections of articles, and conferences should be translated into English and placed inside square brackets. For automatic transliteration into the Latin alphabet it is recommended to use website (select the BSI transliteration standard option before transliteration). If the article was published only in Russian, it should be indicated at the end of the reference (In Russ.).

In the References section, the names of journals for articles published in Russian-language journals should be either the transliterated name of the journal or a translated one, which must be taken from the official website of the journal.

The place of publication in the References section should always be specified in English language (translation, not transliteration) and in full, e.g., Moscow, not “Moskva” and not “M .:” Saint Petersburg, not “Sankt Peterburg” and not “SPb”.

Name of publishing house/publisher. Unlike the place of publication, the name of the publishing house must be transliterated unless the publishing house has a parallel official English name (the name should be verified using the official website of the publication).

The correct description of the sources used in the references is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when evaluating the scientific activities of its authors. Examples of references can be found in article template.

Information about the authors

Information about the authors is placed at the end of the article in Russian and English (place of work, last name, first name, middle name, academic degree, position, contact details, ORCID).

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