Realities and prospects of professional longevity: older employees on the labor market
Importance: scientific positions regarding the preservation and extension of professional longevity of workers of older age groups, systematization of domestic and foreign experience in this area of work, as well as the results of a survey of a sample of respondents to form an idea of 55+ personnel. Purpose: the article deals with the transformation of the labor market, which occurs, among other things, due to the change of generations; empirically substantiated necessity and possibility of involving older workers in business entities. Research design: the problematic situation is the contradiction between the knowledge of the needs of economic entities in the labor force and the absence of evidence-based scenarios for filling vacancies by older workers. The article contains the results of a study of two aspects of this problem. The first aspect is the representation of the realities of working longevity, substantiated by the results of a survey of a selective population of respondents. The second aspect is the systematization of actual motivational barriers that arise among workers of older age groups in accordance with the process of achieving labor success. Results: the article develops a scientific idea about the possibility of maintaining labor success. According to the current demo-economic situation, the retention of aging key employees in the organization with the preservation of their experience and knowledge is transforming from an acute problem into a chronic one. A qualitative shortage can supplement a quantitative one or give way to it in the development of new projects, the development of new markets or the introduction of production know-how. According to the results of a sample survey, age-related personnel do not differ from employees of other age groups in terms of reliability, performance, loyalty and devotion to the organization. At the same time, the problematic area of their ability to work is low stress resistance and the risk of injury. Also, as a result of the study, actual motivational barriers that arise for age workers in the cycle of achieving labor success have been identified.
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