Accounting information in the perspective of studying the information base of the analysis of the economic security of the university

  • Elizaveta E. Ermoshina Voronezh State University
Keywords: economic security analysis, economic security, information base, universities


Importance: the profound transformation of all spheres of public life cannot but have an impact on the financial and economic activities of such economic entities as universities. Under the conditions of the impact of internal and external negative factors on their activities, the top management of higher education institutions feels the need to make effective management decisions based on the results of the analysis of economic security. Purpose: formation of an information base for the analysis of economic security of the university grouped by data sources with the indication of accounting information for their verification. Assessment of relevance and development of accounting information for the analysis of economic security of the university. Research design: in order to achieve the goal of the study, a critical review of the scientific works of scientists on this problem was carried out, which revealed the shortcomings of existing approaches to the formation of an information base for the analysis of economic security of the university and ways to eliminate them to improve the quality and relevance of analytical conclusions. Results: it is proposed to form an information base, which is grouped according to the availability of information to various users, indicating the sources of specific data of the university’s reporting and their verification in the context of the developed indicators and indicators of the analysis of the economic security of the university, a new accounting account for the adjustment of cash income of the university is proposed.; the necessity is substantiated and the procedure for verifying the information used to analyze the economic security of the university is proposed, which generally ensures the reliability of the results of the evaluation obtained.


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Author Biography

Elizaveta E. Ermoshina, Voronezh State University

postgraduate student


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How to Cite
Ermoshina, E. E. (2022). Accounting information in the perspective of studying the information base of the analysis of the economic security of the university. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 9, 93-106. Retrieved from
Accounting, Audit and Economical Statistics