Variative forecasting of innovation processes in the Region

  • Yuriy I. Treshchevskiy Voronezh State University
  • Anton A. Prachenko Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism
  • Sofia E. Orekhova Voronezh State University
Keywords: region, innovation development, forecast, correlation method, standard neural network apparatus


Importance: there are systems of each level, characterized by special innovation and general economical characteristics. Both qualitative and quantitative parameters of these characteristics should be forecast for a long enough period of time. Therefore we will study the elements of innovation development and the relationship between them. The research is based on the materials of the Voronezh Region. Purpose: we define the purpose of the study as predicting the target indicator of innovative development of the Russian region. Based on the current state of foreign economic relations of Russia and the level of technological development of the country, the indicator «the number of advanced technologies in use» is proposed as a target. Indeed, when such technologies are available, the scale of production can be expanded using them in a shorter period of time than when they are developed and implemented. Research design: The following research methods were used: correlation-regression, which allows forecasting the dynamics of the index with a sufficient degree of accuracy, regardless of the accompanying processes; the standard apparatus of neural network creation was adopted as an alternative method. For the forecasting we used the data on the indicators dynamics that have a high degree of correlation with the target: «the number of enterprises and organizations; the amount of innovative products (works, services)»; «spending on innovative activities of organizations», «the number of unemployed at the age of 15-72 years»; «GRP per capita»; «investment in fixed capital per capita». Results: the results allow us to conclude that there are two options for spreading the «number of advanced technologies in use» over the long run. Further increase of their quantity in the real sector of the regional economy is possible, but the balance of indicators of general economic and innovative content will be broken. More realistic is the forecast of their quantity stabilization, which assumes at least two scenarios: increasing the intensity of using the available technologies, ensuring growth of GRP, investments and innovation goods, works, services; fixing the current state of innovation and innovation-related economic processes at the same level for a long period of time.


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Author Biographies

Yuriy I. Treshchevskiy, Voronezh State University

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Anton A. Prachenko, Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism

Cand. Sci. (Econ.)

Sofia E. Orekhova, Voronezh State University

M. A. student


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How to Cite
Treshchevskiy, Y. I., Prachenko, A. A., & Orekhova, S. E. (2022). Variative forecasting of innovation processes in the Region. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 58-69. Retrieved from
Regional Economics