Practical aspects of the analysis of the competitiveness of banking institutions, taking into account the interrelation of external and internal environment factors

  • Svetlana A. Noskova Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Iuliia A. Zavoiskikh Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
  • Andrey G. Noskov Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University
Keywords: banking competition, resource potential of the bank, real competitors, potential competitors, competitiveness radar


Importance: regularities, peculiarities and modern conditions of activity of Russian banks, which are significantly influenced by the political and economic situation prevailing in the country, the deepening of imbalances in the development of individual sectors of the economy, increase competition between banks and non-bank credit organizations in the financial market. Purpose: developing of analysis methodology and conducting an author’s analysis of the competitiveness of PJSC «Sberbank of Russia», taking into account the interrelation of external and internal environment factors. Research design: using official statistics data, a matrix of segment orientation was built, direct and indirect competitors of PJSC «Sberbank of Russia» were identified. An expert method was used to analyze the direct competitors of PJSC «Sberbank of Russia» in the banking services market. The analysis of the competitiveness of PJSC «Sberbank of Russia» was carried out by an analytical and graphical method. Results: it was revealed that the strongest competitors of PJSC «Sberbank of Russia» in the banking services market are JSC «ALFA-BANK» and PJSC «VTB» Bank. In general, the analysis allows not only to determine the competitive position of the bank, but also to identify its competitive advantages, taking into account the interrelation of factors of the external and internal environment.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana A. Noskova, Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof.

Iuliia A. Zavoiskikh, Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

Cand. Sci. (Econ.)

Andrey G. Noskov, Kaliningrad Branch of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University

Assist. Prof.


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How to Cite
Noskova, S. A., Zavoiskikh, I. A., & Noskov, A. G. (2022). Practical aspects of the analysis of the competitiveness of banking institutions, taking into account the interrelation of external and internal environment factors. Modern Economics: Problems and Solutions, 10, 121-130. Retrieved from
Financial Economics